Source: Data.hh

Annotated List
// Data - class from which all ColdStore entities must derive
// Copyright (C) 1998,1999 Colin McCormack,
// see LICENSE (MD5 f5220f8f599e5e926f37cf32efe3ab68) for terms
// 	$Id

#ifndef DATA_HH
#define DATA_HH

#include <typeinfo>
#include <qvmm.h>
#include "Segment.hh"
#include "Slot.hh"

class Builtin;		// Builtin handles dynamic loading of Data subtypes
class Error;

/** Refcounted Persistent Objects under the coldstore virtual protocol
 * Data implements the coldstore virtual protocol, which provides a set of
 * semantic operations derived from Python's C API, sufficient to support
 * Arithmetic, Sequence, Map, Iterator and Functional types.
class Data
    : public qvmm::RefCount	// Data instances are RefCounted under qvmm
    /** destroy Data instance
     * protected to encourage the use of RefCount::dncount()
     * in our copy-on-write reference-counted environment
    virtual ~Data();			// destruction via dncount(), please
    /** throw an `unimplemented' Error
     * A place holder for unimplemented virtual protocol
     * elements
     * @param message message associated with the Error
     * @returns nothing useful
    Slot unimpl(const char *message) const;
    static Slot Unimpl(const char *message);

    //void destroy() {dncount();}
    /** check an instance of Data for coherence
     *  (whatever that means to the datatype)
     * @param num number of contiguous instances in an array
     * @return void, but could be changed to return a bool
    virtual void check(int num=0) const;	// check an instance of Data
    /** the typeID for this type - derived from rtti
    void *type() const;
    /** compare types of Slots
     * Types are given an arbitrary but fixed order to enable @ref Data::order
     *  between disparate types
    int typeOrder(const Slot &arg) const;
    /** predicate: is this of that Builtin type?
    bool typeEQ(const Builtin *m) const;
    /** return the name of the type of this object, using rtti
    const char *typeId() const;
    // structural
    /** copy constructor
     * Used as the destination of @see mutate when a copy on write mutable
     * object is desired.
     * @param where the locale into which to clone this object
     * @return mutable copy of object
    virtual Data *clone(void *where = (void*)0) const=0;
    /** dynamic mutable copy
     * Used as the destination of @see mutate when the object is mutable.
     * @param where the locale into which to clone this object
     * @return mutable copy of object
    virtual Slot identity(void *where = (void*)0) const;

    /** create a mutable copy
     * Depending upon whether the object is considered a mutable instance or
     * a copy-on-write instance, vtbl magic is used to redirect this call to
     * one of @see identity or @see clone
     * @param where the locale into which to clone this object
     * @return mutable copy of object     
    virtual Data *mutate(void *where = (void*)0)const;

    // object

    /** the object's truth value
     * mapping of all objects onto true/false
     * @return the object's truth value
    virtual bool truth() const;

    /** constructor arguments sufficient to recreate object
     * @return a primitive type (pickled) representation of this object
    virtual Slot toconstruct() const;

    /** dump the object to a stream
     * @param ostream stream onto which to dump the object
    virtual ostream &dump(ostream& output) const;

    /** construct an instance of Data from the constructor args given
     * @param arg constructor arguments, derived from @see toconstruct
     * @return instance constructed from the args
    static Slot construct(Slot &arg);

    /** order two objects
     * @param arg object to be ordered relative to this
     * @return 1,0,-1 depending on object order
    virtual int order(const Slot &arg) const=0;

    /** equality operator
     * @param arg object to be compared to this
     * @return true/false depending on equality
    virtual bool equal(const Slot &arg) const;

    // arithmetic

    /** monadic `+', absolute value
    virtual Slot positive();

    /** monadic `-', negative absolute value
    virtual Slot negative();

    /** dyadic `+', add
    virtual Slot add(const Slot &arg);

    /** dyadic `-', subtract
    virtual Slot subtract(const Slot &arg);

    /** dyadic `*', multiply
    virtual Slot multiply(const Slot &arg);

    /** dyadic '/', divide
    virtual Slot divide(const Slot &arg);

    /** dyadic '%', modulo
    virtual Slot modulo(const Slot &arg);
    // bitwise

    /** unary '~', invert
    virtual Slot invert();

    /** dyadic '&', bitwise and
    virtual Slot and(const Slot &arg);

    /** dyadic '^', bitwise xor
    virtual Slot xor(const Slot &arg);

    /** dyadic '|', bitwise or
    virtual Slot or(const Slot &arg);

    /** dyadic '<<', left shift
    virtual Slot lshift(const Slot &arg);

    /** dyadic '>>', right shift
    virtual Slot rshift(const Slot &arg);

    // sequence

    /** addressable Sequence as a List
    virtual Slot toSequence() const;

    /** predicate - is object a sequence
    virtual bool isSequence();

    /** length as sequence
    virtual int length() const;

    /** concatenate two sequences
    virtual Slot concat(const Slot &arg);

    // Return range

    /** return a range
     * @param from index of start of range
     * @param len length of range
     * @return the range of elements of this sequence 'from' for 'len'
    virtual Slot slice(const Slot &from, const Slot &len) const;

    /** return an element
     * @param element element index
     * @return the nominated element of this sequence
    virtual Slot slice(const Slot &element) const;

    /** search for a matching element
     * @param search element for which to search
     * @return the first matching element of this sequence
    virtual Slot search(const Slot &search) const;

    // Replacement of range

    /** replace a range with a value
     * @param value value to be replaced in this sequence
     * @param from slice-range start index
     * @param len slice-range length
     * @return a copy of this with the replacement performed
    virtual Slot replace(const Slot &from, const Slot &len, const Slot &value);

    /** replace an element with a value
     * @param value value to be replaced in this sequence
     * @param element element index to be replaced
     * @return a copy of this with the replacement performed
    virtual Slot replace(const Slot &element, const Slot &value);

    /** replace this with a value
     * @param value value to be replaced in this sequence
     * @return a copy of this with the replacement performed
    virtual Slot replace(const Slot &value);

    /** insert a value into this sequence
     * @param value value to be inserted in this sequence
     * @param before element index before which insertion is performed
     * @return a copy of this with the replacement performed
    virtual Slot insert(const Slot &before, const Slot &value);

    /** insert a value into this sequence
     * @param value value to be inserted in this sequence
     * @return a copy of this with the replacement performed
    virtual Slot insert(const Slot &value);

    // Deletion of range

    /** delete a subrange from sequence
     * @param from slice-range start index
     * @param len slice-range length
     * @return a copy of this with the deletion performed
    virtual Slot del(const Slot &from, const Slot &len);

    /** delete an item from sequence
     * @param element index of element to be deleted
     * @return a copy of this with the deletion performed
    virtual Slot del(const Slot &from);

    // iterator

    /** an iterator over this sequence
     * @returns an Iterator
    virtual Slot iterator() const ;

    /** predicate - is object an iterator
    virtual bool isIterator();

    /** return current iterated element
    virtual Slot Current();

    /** predicate: is iterated sequence complete?
    virtual bool More() const;

    /** advance iterator over sequence
    virtual Slot Next();
    // functional

    /** call object (Method, Builtin)
    virtual Slot call(const Slot& environment) const;

    // comparisons defined on virtual `order'
    bool operator==(const Slot &d) const {
        return order(d) == 0;
    bool operator!=(const Slot &d) const {
        return order(d) != 0;
    bool operator>=(const Slot &d) const {
        return order(d) >= 0;
    bool operator>(const Slot &d) const {
        return order(d) > 0;
    bool operator<=(const Slot &d) const {
        return order(d) <= 0;
    bool operator<(const Slot &d) const {
        return order(d) < 0;


Generated by: on Sat Nov 6 11:59:24 199.