- const short MAX_BTREE_HEIGHT
- template <class T> bool BTreeNode<T> Search (T itm, short& index) const
- template <class T> void BTreeNode<T> ShiftRightAt (short pos, short amount)
- template <class T> void BTreeNode<T> ShiftLeftAt (short pos, short amount)
- template <class T> void BTreeNode<T> MoveSubNode (const BTreeNode& x, short pos, short ourPos, short nkeys)
- template <class T> T *BTree<T> Find (const T &item) const
- template <class T> T *BTree<T> ItemWithRank (long rank) const
- template <class T> long BTree<T> RankOf (T item) const
- template <class T> bool BTree<T> Add (T item)
- template <class T> T BTree<T> Remove (T key)
- template <class T> T BTree<T> ExtractMin ()
- template <class T> void BTree<T> updSubtree (BTreeNode<T>** stack, int sp)
- template <class T> bool BTree<T> _InsertNonFull (BTreeNode<T>* x, T item)
- template <class T> void BTree<T> _SplitChild (BTreeNode<T>* x, short i, BTreeNode<T>*y)
- template <class T> BTreeNode<T>* BTree<T> _DescendInto (BTreeNode<T>*node, short subtreeIndex, DeleteActionEnum& action)
- template <class T> BTreeNode<T>* BTree<T> _Adjust (BTreeNode<T>* node, short index, BTreeNode<T>* c0, BTreeNode<T>* c1, DeleteActionEnum& action)
- template <class T> T *Segment<T> alloc (int nelem, void *allocator)
- template <class T> void Segment<T> dealloc ()
- template <class T> T *Segment<T> dup (T* to, const T* from, int range)
- template <class T> void Segment<T> set (T* t, int size)
- typedef int (*Cmp) const
- template <class T> int Segment<T> cmp (const T *l, const T *r)
- template <class T> Segment<T> *Segment<T> qsort ()
- template <class T> bool Segment<T> tsearch (const T &key, int &idx) const
- template <class T> Segment<T> *Segment<T> reverse ()
- template <class T> int Segment<T> search (const T* what, int whatlen, int offset) const
- template <class T> int Segment<T> order (const Segment<T> &that) const
- template <class T> void Vector<T> rlloc (int newlen)
- template <class T> void Vector<T> resize (int newlen)
- template <class T> void Vector<T> shrink ()
- template <class T> void Vector<T> check (int i) const
- template <class T> Vector<T> Vector ()
- template <class T> Vector<T> Vector (int size)
- template <class T> Vector<T> Vector (const T *contentT, int size)
- template <class T> Vector<T> Vector (const Segment<T> &contentT)
- template <class T> Vector<T> Vector (const T &contentT)
- template <class T> Vector<T> Vector (const T &contentT, int repetition)
- template <class T> Vector<T> Vector (TupleBase<T> *t)
- template <class T> Vector<T> Vector (TupleBase<T> &t)
- template <class T> Vector<T> Vector (TupleBase<T> *t, int _start, int _len)
- template <class T> Vector<T> Vector (TupleBase<T> &t, int _start, int _len)
- template <class T> Vector<T> Vector (const Vector<T> *v)
- template <class T> Vector<T> Vector (const Vector<T> &v)
- template <class T> Vector<T> Vector (const Vector<T> *v, int _start, int _len)
- template <class T> Vector<T> Vector (const Vector<T> &v, int _start, int _len)
- template <class T> Vector<T> Vector (const Vector<T> *v1, const Vector<T> *v2)
- template <class T> Vector<T> Vector (const Vector<T> &v1, const Vector<T> &v2)
- template <class T> Vector<T> *Vector<T> doDel (int where, int what)
- template <class T> Vector<T> *Vector<T> del (int where, int what)
- template <class T> Vector<T> *Vector<T> vconcat (const T *addT, int additional)
- template <class T> Vector<T> *Vector<T> vinsert (int where, const T *addT, int what)
- template <class T> Vector<T> *Vector<T> Replace (int where, int what, const T *addT, int additional)
- template <class T> bool Vector<T> set_add (const T &d)
- template <class T> bool Vector<T> set_remove (const T &d)
- template <class T> void Vector<T> toset ()
- template <class T> void Vector<T> destroy (int len)
- template <class T> ostream& operator<< (ostream& out, const Vector<T> & vec)
const short MAX_BTREE_HEIGHT
#include <BTree.hh>
The Generic templated B-tree
There are three classes related to the generic B-tree:
- BTree, a class that encapsulates B-tree algorithms;
- BTreeNode, which defines the structure of a node in a B-tree;
- BTreeIterator, an object that allows inspection of the items
in a B-tree in ascending order;
The algorithms implemented here assume that items are stored in the
internal nodes as well as in the leaves; the definitions of the
B-tree concepts are based on the ones in Cormen, Leiserson and Rivest's
book Introduction to Algorithms.
The BTreeNode class encapsulates a single node of the Generic
B-tree. It is intended primarily for use by the NodeSpace, not by the
user of the GenericBTree class.
Generated by: on Sat Nov 6 11:59:24 199. |