Coldstore is Rapidly Approaching Beta (Dec 24 2000.)
Requirements and Limitations
- A good C++ compiler. Preferably gcc 2.95.
- Linux (Intel) or FreeBSD. Sun's a possibility.
- Note: under 2.2.*, you have to specify 1Gb of physical memory (or change the store's addresses.)
- glibc2.1 or later - mandatory, 'cos symbol interning is tricky.
- libelf - you can get it here.
- Gnu's GMP package (I got mine from Debian, but it's also on ... but use the gnu mirrors.)
- Suggest kdoc to generate detailed implementation docs.
- Generally, check out the INSTALL file for a detailed statement of prerequisites.
Note: ColdStore is not inherently limited to Linux, but can function on any system capable of loading ELF shared libraries. ColdStore is also not inherently limited to i386 architecture. These limitations/requirements are contingent upon our workload, and the priorities and resources we can deploy.
- Get it from Sourceforge here.
- Unpack it: tar xzvf coldstore.tgz
- Make it: cd coldstore; make clean all
- Try it out: cd chaos; ./chaos
Short Form: It's all GPL.
All component licenses are GPL.
License terms are contained in each directory, in a file named LICENSE. All references to LICENSE in the source are accompanied by an MD5 checksum.
The complete work, considered as a portmanteau, is licensed under the terms contained in coldstore/LICENSE (MD5 f5220f8f599e5e926f37cf32efe3ab68), and Copyright Colin McCormack and Philippe Hébrais.

Get it, compile it, run it, tweak it. Lather, rinse,
repeat: all with the fresh smell of GNU.
Why ColdStore? An explanation of what we're up to.

The nitty-gritty: an explanation of ColdStore's design, what it
does, and what it might be used for.

We think that ColdStore has potential. Here's what's in the
offing: from the nearly feasible to the bright blue sky. You can
probably help us out here.

Though it sometimes feels that way, we're not the only ones thinking
about these things. A few references to articles on object persistence
and all that gubbins.

Praise the visionaries behind this thing; alternatively,
berate the guilty parties.

That Oscar acceptance speech in full.